SUNNI SALAFI The roots of kamata Masjid date back to the year 2001 when a small mosallah was established by the Muslim brothers living in the area. The Mosalla was founded by our honorable brothers Shahjahan Siddiqi and brother Maksud. There is no other Masjid/ Mosallah in this part of Tokyo that could effectively cater to the religious needs of the increasing number of Muslim brothers and sisters. The present monthly rented Mosallah is not large enough to accommodate 50 people at a time. We have to pray Jummah prayer in batches, thanks to those brothers for being endurance and supporting us. Also we do not have enough room/ arrangement to accommodate our sisters for Jummah/ Daily prayer in Jamat due to lack of adequate space.
Added on June 7, 2015 and last updated 9 years ago